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Al Lowe's Humor Site  
The creator of Leisure Suit Larry and computer softwares best-selling humorist. Free humor downloads. Free daily jokes. Inside stories about Sierra Online and Leisure Suit Larry.

Blog Television - Watch Crazy Entertaining Videos  
We identify fresh video clips from literally millions of blogs each day. Why read when you can watch? Lots of crazy, unique and funny videos, see them first!

Comedians Jokes Interactive Comedy Humor  
Corporate and club standup comedian Gary Thisons outrageous comedy web site.

Crazy Student - College Student Fun Portal  
Craziest fun portal for college students. Everything about exams, roommates, parties, and many other things, necessary for students. Also you can get T-shirts, cool posters, candles, blacklights and other stuff. Go crazy!

East Side Mall of Chicago  
Original satire and humor in an American mall surrounded by links to funny, unique and the wierd.

Fantastic Poems  
Fantasy poetry by Adam Gibbs, mostly humorous, with a smattering of science fiction poems.

Funny Jokes  
Thajokes - The best funny jokes online with a lot of categories available. Live and Laugh Spread Thajokes!
A great searchable repository of the funniest jokes, with RSS and email.

Goofy Humor  
Humor archives of funny pictures, pics, photos, jokes, cartoons, comics and all humor.

Humor Columnist  
Humor columnist writes funny stories and witty commentary. Site includes humorous newsletter, extensive archive of humor columns and other funny stuff.

Humor Columnist David Leonhardt, The Happy Guy  
The Happy Guy weekly humor column takes on just about every subject, trying to add a little "positive thinking" message somewhere in the text.

Humor In The News  
A bitingly satirical look at todays news through photo captions. Updated Weekly.

Humor Search  
The Webs Humor Search Engine. Search the Web for humorous content.

Humor Sphere  
Offers a large selection of funny pictures, ecards, fun pages and jokes.

Humor University  
Offers training for humor in the workplace, relieving stress, promoting wellness and building productivity.

Want to die laughing? We have tonnes of bizzare and strange jokes, funny pictures, comics and games, ensuring you a spanking good time.

Gigantic searchable database of thousands of humor sites split into appropriate categories, and rated by users. With site stats, peer reviews, XML integration, co-branding and more, plus online humor DVD and video stores.

Loony Humor  
Humor & Funny pictures & jokes updated daily. Find humor, funny pics, photos, jokes, cartoons and comics.

Madeleine Begun Kane  
Award winning Raising Kane humor columns and song parodies about politics, government, law, music, computers, work and cars.

Melvin Durai's Humor Column  
Humor columns and mailing list of Melvin Durai, a U.S.-based Indian humorist, who writes on American and Indian topics.

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