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Aviva Directory
Web directory offers a large selection of editor added websites, sorted topically and regionally, as well as related articles.

Details: Aviva Directory is a general web directory that organizes listed websites by topic and, when appropriate, by region.

Our top-level categories include Arts & Literature, Business & Industry, Computers & Internet, Faith & Spirituality, Health & Well-Being, History & Genealogy, Local & Global, People & Daily Life, Politics & Government, Reference & News, Science & Technology, Shopping & eCommerce, Sports & Recreation, and Travel & Tourism.

At Aviva Directory, we also feature a separate blog directory, structured as a subdomain, and arranged much the same as the general web directory, featuring active blogs on a variety of topics. Our top-level blog categories are Arts & Literature, Business & Industry, Computers & Computing, Faith & Spirituality, Health & Well-Being, History & Genealogy, Internet & Online, Local & Global, People & Daily Life, Politics & Government, Reference & News, Science & Technology, Sports & Recreation, and Travel & Tourism.


Category: Web Directories
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