We are one of the Singapore chiropractic clinic utilizes Gonstead Method for chiropractic treatment and chiropractic care.
Details: Dr. William Choi is certified in the Gonstead Method of Chiropractic, unique system founded by Dr. Clarence Gonstead, that conducts a thorough analysis of the spine using certain criteria to detect the presence of the vertebral subluxation complex. The Gonstead system adopts a scientifically sound methodology which can be duplicated by all Gonstead Chiropractors.
Sports Medicine, Queens College, New York
Athletic Trainer, Queens College La Crosse Team
Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Oriental Medicine, New York College, New York
Master of Science, Acupuncture, New York College, New York
Doctor of Chiropractic, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, South Carolina
Instructor and Officer of Gonstead Society, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic
Lecturer of Gonstead Methodology, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur
Chiropractor and Athletic Trainer of Sports Medicine for Commonwealth Veteran Fencing Championship and Team Singapore
All Chiropractors proficient in the Gonstead method would find the same subluxation as the cause of nerve interference in any particular patient. These would be corrected in like manner, and the patient would respond in the same express time regardless of which Gonstead-trained doctor administered the chiropractic care. For more information on the Gonstead system.
URL: www.accsing.com
Category: Chiropractic