Shielding lotion rapidly absorbs into, and bonds with, the outer layer of skin creating a protective layer while retaining the natural moisture from within.
Details: In order for any moisture to actually improve a dry skin condition more than for a few minutes or a little longer, it needs to get below the second major layer of skin. In reality, the only moisture that is going to reach this level in sufficient quantities to resolve a dry skin problem over the long term is your skin's own natural moisture.
Unlike artificial moisturizers, which are designed to just temporarily mask dry skin by placing artificial moisture over the top of it, Gloves In A Bottle is a shielding lotion that bonds with the outermost layer of skin cells to turn it into what works like an invisible pair of gloves.
These invisible gloves prevent dry skin by helping to keep moisture-robbing irritants out while better retaining your skin's own natural moisture, resulting in skin that is far better hydrated, over the long term, than what can ever be achieved by conventional lotions.
Category: Skin Care